Journal Publications
• Lu, J., Nie, Q., Wang, Y., Xia, J., Lu, Z. and Ou, J., 2023. Reliable Traffic State Identification Using High-Resolution Data: A Consistent Offline-Online Dynamic Time Warping Based Time Series Clustering Approach. Transportation Research Record. • Lu, J., Nie, Q., Mahmoudi, M., Ou, J., Li, C. and Zhou, X.S., 2022. Rich arc routing problem in city logistics: Models and solution algorithms using a fluid queue-based time-dependent travel time representation. Transportation Research Part B. • Song, Y., Hu, X., Lu, J. and Zhou, X., 2022. Analytical approximation and calibration of roundabout capacity: A merging state transition-based modeling approach. Transportation Research Part B. • Wu, X.B., Lu, J.*, Wu, S. and Zhou, X.S., 2021. Synchronizing time-dependent transportation services: Reformulation and solution algorithm using quadratic assignment problem. Transportation Research Part B. • Tang, Q., Hu, X., Lu, J. and Zhou, X., 2021. Analytical characterization of multi-state effective discharge rates for bus-only lane conversion scheduling problem. Transportation Research Part B. • Ou, J., Lu, J., Xia, J., An, C. and Lu, Z., 2019. Learn, assign, and search: real-time estimation of dynamic origin-destination flows using machine learning algorithms. IEEE Access. • Ji, Y., Lu, J., Chen, X. and Hu, B., 2016. Prediction model of bus arrival time based on particle swarm optimization and wavelet neural network. Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology. • Zhou, X.S., Cheng, Q., Wu, X., Li, P., Belezamo, B., Lu, J., and Abbasi, M., 2022. A meso-to-macro cross-resolution performance approach for connecting polynomial arrival queue model to volume-delay function with inflow demand-to-capacity ratio. Multimodal Transportation.
Manuscripts Submitted for Journal Publication
• Lu, J., Li, C., Wu, X. and Zhou, X.S., 2022. Joint freeway traffic state and queue profile estimation using heterogeneous data sources: Differentiable programming reformulation on a layered computational graph. Transportation Research Part C (under review). Link: • Lu, J. and Zhou, X.S., 2022. Modeling partially schedulable connected and automated mobility systems on layered virtual-track networks: modeling framework and open-source tools. Transportation Research Part C (under review). Link: • Cheng, Q., Liu, Z., Lu. J., List, J. and Zhou, X.S., 2022. Using Frequency Domain Analysis to Elucidate Travel Time Reliability Along Congested Freeway Corridors. Transportation Research Part B (under review) • Cheng, Q. and Lu, J.*, 2022. Dynamic System Modeling and Integrated Transportation Demand-and-Supply Management with a Polynomial Arrival Queue Model. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (under review). • Kim, T., Lu, J., Pendyala, R. M. and Zhou, X.S., 2022. Computational Graph-Based Mathematical Programming Reformulation for Integrated Transport Demand and Supply Models. Transportation Research Part B (under review) Link:
Conference Proceedings
• Lu, J., Chen, X., Nie, Q., Hong, R. and Xia, J., 2018. K Shortest Path Searching for Time-Dependent Road Networks. In CICTP 2017: Transportation Reform and Change—Equity, Inclusiveness, Sharing, and Innovation. • Lu, J., Wang, Y., Zhang, N., Chen, X. and Xia, J., 2018. Generating Alternative Pre-Trip Guidance for Metro Users by Considering Travel Time and Trip Feeling. In CICTP 2017: Transportation Reform and Change—Equity, Inclusiveness, Sharing, and Innovation. • Lu, J., Xue, H., Chen, G., Zhou, Y. and Xia, J., 2016, October. Comparative Evaluation of the Traffic Flow Volatility Forecasting Models. In International Conference on Communication and Electronic Information Engineering (CEIE 2016).